Man, I am loving this blog. I hope that the few of you who read it don't get too bored, but this is better than talking to myself. This weeks thought comes again from the Difference Maker by John Maxwell. It made me think and wonder if I had known the things he was saying and actually tried to apply them to myself, how would my life may have been different.
Remember the question from last week: When was the last time you did something for the first time. Made Raelyn, Marci and myself reflect how we get "stuck" in life and forget to try new adventures. Raelyn had the bestest "first" last week and that was taking her 16 year old daughter for her drivers license. Wow, am I old enough to have a granddaughter that age let alone a daughter old enough to have a daughter that age. Well anyway, it gave us all something to think about as we live life. We need to look at firsts more often and not be afraid of change or adventure/risk.
This week the section that struck me was Problems and how they change our lives. It defined problem as:
P= predictors: helping to mold our future
R= reminders: showing us that we cannot succeed alone
O= Opportunities: pulling us out of the ruts and prompting us to think creatively
B= Blessings: opening doors we would otherwise not go through
L= Lessons: Providing instruction with each new challenge
E= Everywhere: telling us that no one is excluded from difficulties
M= Messages warning us about potential disaster
S= Solvable: Reminding us that every problem has a solution
He said that problems are temporary tests of your resolve and ability. A problem is something you can do something about. If you can't do something about it, then it's not a problem, it's a predicament. That is something you can do nothing about that must be coped with and endured.
People who face their problems understand that the first step in solving a problem is to begin.
There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve it. The trick is to find the right timing and then to be patient when implementing the solution. He also states that problems that surround us are not as crucial as the people around us. As you think about solutions, consider the people of your acquaintance who might be able to help you. He states: I have yet to meet a person focused on yesterday who had a better tomorrow. The key is to focus on what you are learning, not on what you are losing.
Positive thinking is how you think about a problem Enthusiasm is how you feel about a problem. The two together determine what you do about a problem . That is the short version and summary, but what he asks you to do next is to list the top ten things you've done in your life about which you are most proud. Do not take into account what others might say this is your list. So not rank them, just list. OK, DO IT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now he states: He is willing to bet that your successes came after you experienced:
1. a problem or challenge
2 self doubt
3. Commitment to persevere
We generally remember the problem and the commitment, but we forget that we also experienced a season of self doubt. We forget that we had to change our thinking before we could change the problem. And that takes the difference maker-= YOUR ATTITUDE. When facing problems, remember to always start with yourself.
OK, now time for me to think. Well, I looked at my list and thought about what changes and problems I have had in the past, and never once did I accomplish them by myself. There was always someone with me, prompting, encouraging, leading, or just listening to me and my concerns. There of course was always my Heavenly Father but he also always has given me a guardian angel to watch over me and to be there to do the earthly listening or helping. How about all of you who read this long note, who has been there as you faced a problem or had to work around a predicaments. (Loved that part that allowed there to be times when you could not change to make better, but had to re-adjust your thinking or behaving).
Well, so much for tonight's lecture on "thought". I am off to bottle chokecherry syrup that is cooked and ready to bottle.
6 years ago
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