Sunday, August 17, 2008

Entry 2 for this Sunday

Man, I am loving this blog. I hope that the few of you who read it don't get too bored, but this is better than talking to myself. This weeks thought comes again from the Difference Maker by John Maxwell. It made me think and wonder if I had known the things he was saying and actually tried to apply them to myself, how would my life may have been different.
Remember the question from last week: When was the last time you did something for the first time. Made Raelyn, Marci and myself reflect how we get "stuck" in life and forget to try new adventures. Raelyn had the bestest "first" last week and that was taking her 16 year old daughter for her drivers license. Wow, am I old enough to have a granddaughter that age let alone a daughter old enough to have a daughter that age. Well anyway, it gave us all something to think about as we live life. We need to look at firsts more often and not be afraid of change or adventure/risk.
This week the section that struck me was Problems and how they change our lives. It defined problem as:
P= predictors: helping to mold our future
R= reminders: showing us that we cannot succeed alone
O= Opportunities: pulling us out of the ruts and prompting us to think creatively
B= Blessings: opening doors we would otherwise not go through
L= Lessons: Providing instruction with each new challenge
E= Everywhere: telling us that no one is excluded from difficulties
M= Messages warning us about potential disaster
S= Solvable: Reminding us that every problem has a solution

He said that problems are temporary tests of your resolve and ability. A problem is something you can do something about. If you can't do something about it, then it's not a problem, it's a predicament. That is something you can do nothing about that must be coped with and endured.
People who face their problems understand that the first step in solving a problem is to begin.
There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve it. The trick is to find the right timing and then to be patient when implementing the solution. He also states that problems that surround us are not as crucial as the people around us. As you think about solutions, consider the people of your acquaintance who might be able to help you. He states: I have yet to meet a person focused on yesterday who had a better tomorrow. The key is to focus on what you are learning, not on what you are losing.
Positive thinking is how you think about a problem Enthusiasm is how you feel about a problem. The two together determine what you do about a problem . That is the short version and summary, but what he asks you to do next is to list the top ten things you've done in your life about which you are most proud. Do not take into account what others might say this is your list. So not rank them, just list. OK, DO IT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now he states: He is willing to bet that your successes came after you experienced:
1. a problem or challenge
2 self doubt
3. Commitment to persevere
We generally remember the problem and the commitment, but we forget that we also experienced a season of self doubt. We forget that we had to change our thinking before we could change the problem. And that takes the difference maker-= YOUR ATTITUDE. When facing problems, remember to always start with yourself.
OK, now time for me to think. Well, I looked at my list and thought about what changes and problems I have had in the past, and never once did I accomplish them by myself. There was always someone with me, prompting, encouraging, leading, or just listening to me and my concerns. There of course was always my Heavenly Father but he also always has given me a guardian angel to watch over me and to be there to do the earthly listening or helping. How about all of you who read this long note, who has been there as you faced a problem or had to work around a predicaments. (Loved that part that allowed there to be times when you could not change to make better, but had to re-adjust your thinking or behaving).
Well, so much for tonight's lecture on "thought". I am off to bottle chokecherry syrup that is cooked and ready to bottle.

This the Season

No, it isn't Christmas, it is getting to be fall and the season of Chokecherry picking. I have not been able to particpate in this activity for probably 6 years. My great neighbors Leann and Dillon brought me 7 bottles several years ago when I had my shoulder replaced, and I have been rashening them out and being very and I mean very careful on their use. However, this season I felt like giving it a shot and so Val Jay said he would look and low and behold, chokecherries. Rachel, McKenna and Breanna have been my assistants. Yesterday, Karly even gave it a shot. She thought it was absolutely no fun at all and then Rachel came with the four wheeler and things looked better. Rachel turned out to be the best scout in the world and as the girls put it, we hit the "mother load". So, now when you have pancakes or rolly pollys at my house, chokecherry syrup can be on the menu.

This picking time gave me time for reflection of past experiences. After mom died, Dad would call me about Aug 25, just before the kids went to school and say, "Well sis, it time to go chokecherry picken". Round up the kids and bring a blanket, let's go. I did take an opportunity on Thursday to head up to Kellers Cabin in Paradise by myself and look for "our' bushes. Funny how little things like this can warm your heart and make you feel loved and part of an era. We would put Jim and Raelyn on the blankets, in the shade, dad would take the river side of the tree and I would take the easy picken side. Maybe that is part of my love for the taste of the syrup is the warmth of a good memory.
The picture of dad with the straight face is more like a mug shot, it was taken at Joe's wedding and we cut him out of the photo and made this one. My dad I knew and loved was the dad with the horse. I have come to find out that mom and dad both loved riding and caring for horses. Guess that is where Amanda got her genes from and her love.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another great week

At the end of the day, the end of the week, what have you accomplished is the question I ask myself. Has it been a good week and have I done the best I could. I instantly realized that I am judging myself and my success as I have for so many years. However, I now use a totally different approach at this judgement. For years I felt as a failure in almost all areas. I always analyzed and responded to all the unsuccessful events and brooded, stewed, replayed, focused, and relived over and over what I DIDN'T do. Well, I have a tip for anyone that happens to read this note that life is totally worth living. As Sherry Dew says, Life was Meant to be Hard. It is meant to be a challenge, a test of endurance, and mostly a chance to learn from our mistakes. We get to choose daily whether we face life with a positive attitude or look at life as a burden and hard. We can pick a "theme" to live by. Lori Anderson taught me my now favority scripture: And it Came to Pass. No where in the scriptures does it ever say that problems or pain or trials came to stay. Using that theme, I am now looking at my week (well most of the time anyway) as what positive things have happened and how many beautiful people or things have I seen in my life.
Now learning and incorperating this in my life should mean that I never do negitive or bad things again right, but old habbits are hard to break, easy ways are easy to follow, and procrastion is the route of all evil. Oh I am still guilty of using all of the above ways to get through life, just not as often.
Isn't it interesting how fast we are tempted to take the short cut in life? But what I have learned is by taking the short cut, we miss the ride on the route we should have taken and we often can never get to go back that way again. I read the other day a sentence that made me really think: When was the last time you did something for the first time!? OK, when was the last time for me? How about you? I am still thinking and realizing that life is often a repeat of the same old thing unless we reach out for something that is a change. Now in that same book it said: The only person who likes changes is a baby! Credit for that statement goes to Mark Twain. Now he was way before my time, but the statement is still true. I think of the times I have tried to make changes in my life and how difficult they were and what emotions were created by that one movement. I have always struggled with self esteem. I have never seen myself as special or good at doing anything really well. I am being taught by my children and others I love, that my life has been good, and although I didn't know it, I was "changing" others lives. I guess what I am thinking right now is that although change in ourselves is hard, helping others to make changes in theirs is not a job or a deed, but a bonus for being here on earth and part of others lives and if we do whatever we can to be honest, true and living the way we should, we are teaching, and helping others to make changes.
Had I not been ready or willing to make a change at some times in my life and take suggestions to "try" this, my life would have been so different and so lonely. It was because if others "setting the example" and helping me on the way to change that I was successful. My hope is that I will continue to be there to help others make changes in their lives and to try something new for the first time more often.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Add one more thank you!

Ok, now I think there is something going on. Amanda just called and asked if I had looked at Lisa and Greg's blog. I had not. so after we hung up I logged on and WOW, another beautiful entry from a wonderful niece/sister. Funny how it is hard to define just what we are, but love has no bounds so I chose sister. It is hard for me to even begin to think of all the memories I have because I was blessed to have Reed as a brother in law and Joy as my "sister". My life is so rich and I only wish and hope that Joy knows how much I have enjoyed her family and how honored I am to be with them. Life isn't always the way we hope it will be.
I met with my Uncle and Aunt Chet and Mary Zollinger this week to ask about my mom. I learned so much about the real "her". Not the person we say as children, but the woman who had won contests for sales of beauty products for the Charm company, who won a trip to the world fair because of her cooking, who managed a dance hall and was admired again for her friendly personality and her rare beauty of making anywhere she was a home. I learned too of the sadness in her life. I learned that her father really did not like her or appreciate her for the person she was. How she spent her life in such a lonely place not knowing how special she was and how she made the world better for just being her.
It made me aware of how selfish I was when I was young, oh yeah, she died when I was 24 and just learning about being a mom, but I did not honor her as a mother the way I should have, and did not realize the sacrifices she and dad made so that we could be a family. I did not realize how lonely she must have been, always wanting the approval of her father, and never receiving it. It has made me aware today of the need for us to express our love always to the people we care for, and to be able to "report" daily to our Heavenly Father of the blessings we have and the people who bless our lives.
I guess that is why the emails from Lisa and Syndea mean so much to me. What beautiful thoughts and feelings they have expressed. That whole family Aaron, Mike, Jon, Scott, Heidi are all part of my life in such a special way. I know for a fact that their lives have changed mine in so many ways and they have brought joy and laughter to me and mine. They too have been there for every special event in my life and I use them as an example of how to live my life.
Here is a special note to Joy: You will be so proud of your family Joy. They are what every mother would like a family to turn out like. They exemplify the love that you so wanted to share with them and could not. I now understand so much better about your life and how you must have felt after visiting with my Aunt. I want you to know that I will treasure these beautiful people as long as I am here on this earth and you will be remembered for all eternity for the sacrifices you made for them.
Thanks again girls, you made my day!

Senior Citizen

Well, I am officially a senior citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh for the excitement. I told the kids that this was going to be my special birthday and I really wanted a party and to celebrate. In this life you have ages that are so important. One is the first birthday, 8 we get baptized, 12 if you are male you get the Priesthood, or go into MIA, 16 you can date or drive or both, 18 you can vote, leave school and not ask for permission from you parents or be called an adult, 21 drink or whatever legally, 50 is over the hill and then there is 62. Welcome to senior citizen world, Now you get the discounts at movies, meals at a lesser price, some parking lots have senior parking, senior discounts as Kohls, Ross Dress for less, Shopko etc. How great is that.
When I was so ill, I turned 60. At that time I secretly really didn't want to make it to 61. The struggle was to hard. However, I set a goal that Christmas to make it to 62 so that I could say I can retire, and get my Social Security. It was to me a long term goal. I know that to some of you that was only a year and a half, but at that time it seemed to be an eternity. Well, I made it in both areas now. I did retire a little before the deadline, I did get Social Security thanks to Larry's death a little early, and now I am legally a senior citizen.
Did you ever think that after that great moment, there is only one step left in life as far as birthday's and that is to get the "dash". What is the dash. That is the "-" between born and died. That is the next great event as far as age goes. 1946-?....................So when I hit that next step, please have a birthday cake, or cookies to celebrate that I made the next big step.
Thanks to all who made this special day so special for me. I am so blessed to have such great people in my life. A special thanks to my awesome niece/sister Syndea for her beautiful notes on her blog. I think that would be great for anyone to hear in their life, but is was very special for me. Thanks to Munch and Jake for updating my blog spot. Ain't it nice. No more hick ville for me. I am big time blogger site now. A special thanks to Raelyn and ValJay for including me on the Rigby family Bear Lake outing. That is one special family the Rigby's and Helen and Jay are great examples of relationship building for everyone. They have a very special family and I am honored they welcomed me to their party.

Amanda's suggestion for fun redone

I didn't get her attachment done correctly last week so I have reissued it.
Please do enter some of your choice memories. I look forward to seeing what you write. By the way, check Syndea's blog, what a complement to me from her. I am in awe of her thoughts still.

I've had several friends post this tag on their blogs so I thought... I want IN! Here are the rules:
1. Add a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It should be funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. I've done this on a couple of my friends blogs and it is fun to see every one's memories! Please, take the time to comment and write a memory of us!