Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday ride

Do you know what is good for the soul? It's a ride in the back of the truck with some of the family on a beautiful Sunday afternoon up Providence Canyon. I know, kind of funky thought but the memories it brings and the reminder of the awesome valley we live in can't be done any other way. We showed up at Rob's house and loaded into his truck. I started getting into the back to ride with the kids and Rob and Jim had a fit. After demanding using the excuse that I wasn't getting younger and wanted to do this while I could, Rob got a ginormous bean bag and made me ride on it. I had a softer ride than the people that rode up front. It took up more space than the people but it was soft as a baby's bottom over the bumps. (He is quite the gentleman).

We had Jim, Ireland, Kelly, Rob, Trevor, Karly, Gavin, Riley and my self. We were joined later by some of the Eric Fuhriman family.

I look at Katie and Brad's blog and Amanda and Jakes and am so amazed at the things they can do with it, but you will get some of the pics I took (I think it amazing I can add just them) and a little narrative. There is no music, no side pics, or even centered, just added. However, take and look at them in the spirit they were entered.

Thoughts that spring forth is the memory of Sunday afternoon taking Rob, Marci, Brooks for sure and some other friends up the canyon shooting years ago. We set up our targets at the mouth of the canyon that day (they call it the gravel pit area) and were getting the guns ready. Isn't interesting that I don't remember ever having my older boys take gun safety classes. Hope they taught them in scouts because I don't remember them being card carrin' members of the safety classes. Oh well, back to the story, we were getting ready to shoot, one of the boys had a scope and was siting it in. I asked Rob if I could take a shot and the boys kind of snickered when Rob said, hey Don't laugh at my mom, she's good. Loved that boy. I hit the target (I had eye sight then and didn't shake like a leave in the breeze as well as shoulders that weren't metal), hit the bottle, and blew off the end of the gun and handed it to the boys. OK, I was lucky, but it cemented a proud moment with my child.

Years ago before the divorce, Larry happened to mention the Grandpa Alder was going to town to finish the paperwork on selling a portion of land he had in Prov canyon. I never did now how much, where or any of that info, but as I drove up, I wished that we still had it in the family for a place away from the world. I know they grazed cattle up there for many years and that he owned grazing permits for the area. Lots of history that could be found out through grandma's history books some day.

We are such a lucky people. With all the world suffering from storms, wars, droughts, earthquakes, and other natural conditions, we sit here in Happy Valley never realizing the struggles of others. This week my goal is to be more aware of others needs, not big material things, but the smile and a hello, the open a door, the thank you kind of things to see if I can lighten the life of another. I challenge anyone who happens to read this to do the same.
Ok, Amanda isn't answering so I can't figure out how to change these images correctly so you are going to have to turn your head to see them a little. I will learn how to do this better another time, but have to finish for now as I am heading up to Bear Lake with great friend Elaine and Ellen for a couple of days.


Amanda said...

Mom, you are such a nut! Sorry I did not answer!! Some of my most favorite memories are filled with rides through the mountains in the back of a truck, breathing in the clean crisp air and taking in the beautiful sights of Cache Valley. Wish that Jake and I could live close enough to enjoy that with you.

Jake said...

Looks like you had loads of fun, sorry we couldn't be there.

Proud mom of 7......... said...

Me too...wish we lived close enough to enjoy those rides with you! Sounds and looks (even if it was sideways) like a memorable day. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN AZ? You don't have to head up here...I can head down there for the day to visit. Just tell me when and how long.

zeebee said...

Janet-you are so fun, I can totally see you getting into the back of the truck with all the kids! And then hitting the target, way to go, that was a proud momment. We can all learn a lot from your can-do attitude and love for life and I too miss Cache Valley. Thanks for the reminder to be more aware of helping others, even if it is a smile or small gesture. Love ya!

Amanda said...

Homesick... So homesick. I cleaned out my dutch ovens today and thought to myself... "ya know, if Jake and I can not come up for Halloween them I am TOTALLY doing spudnuts!" It's true. Thats what I thunked, in those exact words.

Miss ya!