It is Sunday evening, and I thought I had better test out my skills before I loose them all. Amanda and Jake have left so I am working at this by myself. Kind of scary, but at the same time, what an awesome experience. May have to use this as a journal entry.
This weekend was awesome. It was like being at my furneral only I got a chance to tell people thanks. I truely loved every minute. The friends at work did such a beautiful job in making it totally a winter wonderland. I am sitting by my two dozen white roses and they are lovely. I appreciate all those who came, and the support I received.
On Saturday, we baptized Karly (Robs daughter) at the Tabernacle in Logan. It was a special as Robert has such a beautiful spirit and his gave her a wonderful blessing after. When she popped out the water at the baptism, she says, "Oh, that was cold". It was sweat. She was the first baptized that day and the water was cold. She is the last of my three 8 year old grandchildren to get baptized this year. First was McKenna, then Spencer, and then we added Karly. Next will be Mischa pictured here with Karly.
Karly, Spencer, McKenna Karly and Mischa
Rob and Karly looked totaly awesome and excited to have this great opportunity. Of course this mom was so proud of her son and excited for her granddaughter to be worthy and have a desire to be a part of the only true church.
How about the old folks at a party later that
night sharing a white elephant gift exchange and
a basketball game at USU. It was great fun and
we enjoyed the opportunity of being just adults
and playing like kids.
Best part of the evening is Uncle Rob got a new pair of teeth so now he doesn't have to look like he was from the back woods. It was a great party with lots of laughs. It is wonderful to be friends as well as family.
Needless to say, this has been a wonderful and eventful weekend with blessings galore. It is easy to see when we look at our blessings that we are truly loved by our Father in Heaven.